Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Healthy Lifestyle & Shaving

With the New Year nearly upon us now is the perfect time to think about what changes we would like to make in our lives. With this in mind, I'd like to submit the following article, not as a means of bragging, but to hopefully inspire my readers to take that first positive step.
-From a previous thread I started at The Shave Den

Can a healthy lifestyle affect your shave? Furthermore, can shaving influence a healthy lifestyle?

Yes and Yes!

Let's start with the easy one first, and the reason most of us frequent this forum: Shaving.

For many of us, our morning (or evening) shave isn't just about removing yesterdays stubble but really the 'birth' of a new day. We take our time with each pass of the razor, focusing on angle and technique. We spend a little more time building an extra thick, protective lather. We contemplate which selection of aftershave or fragrance will deliver the perfect finish.

So why do we 'over-indulge' ourselves in this simple morning ritual?

Because we value our appearance, and a clean, smooth shave makes us feel good. We feel refreshed, clean, dapper, and (perhaps) even inspired. When your self esteem is high, you're more apt to make, choose, or influence other positive changes.

So how can a healthy lifestyle affect your shaves? Well, here's my story:

A couple months ago I was facing some tough personal situations. While I'd still enjoy my morning shave, I can't say I was pleased with what was below my shoulders (or even inside my cranium). A steady diet of fast-food, chips, and soda, along with my stresses at work and home were aging me unnaturally fast. I felt bad and I looked worse.

Six weeks ago I made my positive change. I got it in my head that my situation would only get worse unless I took some control. I started by eliminating fast-food and sugary drinks from my diet. I began taking a multi-vitamin every morning. I joined a gym and started lifting weights 4 days a week. I made it a point to 'eat for purpose' and not 'for pleasure'; making sure to drink lots of water and keeping my diet clean.

Yes it was a lot to take on at once, but before I knew it my body was feeling great! I've noticed a huge gain in my energy level, I now wake up before my alarm clock goes off, and my clothes have never fit me better!

And what about shaving?!?

My skin is damn near flawless! No more acne, no blotchy skin, and no ingrown hairs - even on my neck area. My face feels buttery-smooth and with a healthy glow. Even the hair on my head is fuller and softer. Since making my healthy lifestyle change the quality of my shaves have risen to the next level!

I know this was a lot to read, but hopefully my story can offer some help and inspiration to others. And you don't have to jump-in hardcore like I did, a simple step like adding a multi-vitamin can improve not only your shaves, but your well-being.

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